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Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde
Acta Orientalia Belgica
Africa (London)
Africa (Roma)
Africa (Sao Paulo)
Africa Development
Africa Quarterly
Africa Today
African Abstracts
African Affairs
African Archaeological Review
African Archaeology
African Arts
African Economic History
African Identities
African Issues
African Journal of Sociology
African Languages and Cultures
African Literature Today
African Music
African Research and Documentation
African Research Bulletin
African Review
African Social Research
African Studies
African Studies Review
African Study Monographs
African Urban Quarterly
Africana Bulletin
Africana Gandensia
Africana Journal
Africana Marburgensia
Africana Research Bulletin
Africana Studia
Afrika Focus
Afrika Spectrum
Afrika und Übersee
Afrika Zamani
Afrique Contemporaine
Afrique et Asie Modernes
Afrique et Histoire
Afrique et Langage
Afrique Littéraire
Air France Madame
Alternatives Sud
American Anthropologist
American Ethnologist
American Historical Review
Annales Aequatoria
Annales de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Brazzaville)
Annales de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Dakar
Annales de la FALSH de l'Université de Ngaoundéré
Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale
Annales de l'Université d'Abidjan
Annales de Sciences Sociales de la Coopération et du Développement
Annales. Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales
Annals of Borno
Annals of the Naprstek Museum
Annals of the South African Museum
Année (L') Psychologique
Annual Review of Anthropology
Anthropological Linguistics
Anthropological Literature
Anthropological Quarterly
Anthropologie (L')
Anthropologie et Sociétés
Anthropology Today
Antropologische Verkenningen
APAD Bulletin
Archiv für Völkerkunde
Archives de Sciences Sociales de la Coopération et du Développement
Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions
Archives Européennes de Sociologie
Archivio di Filosofia
Art Journal
Arts d'Afrique Noire
Asian and African Studies (Bratislava)
Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika
Behavior Science Research
Boletim de Informaçâo Socio-Economica
Boletin (La Casa de Africa)
Botswana Notes and Records
Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Anthropologie et de Préhistoire
Bulletin de l'AELIA
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire. Série B. Sciences Humaines
Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Tropiques
Bulletin des Etudes Africaines de l'INALCO
Bulletin des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire
Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer
Bulletin d'Ethnomédecine
Bulletin du CELTA - Africanistique
Bulletin du Centre Genevois d'Anthropologie
Bulletin Musée Barbier-Mueller
Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological Research
Bulletin Pro Mundi Vita
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos
Cahiers Africains
Cahiers congolais d'Anthropologie et d'Histoire
Cahiers de la Recherche Développement
Cahiers de l'IPAG
Cahiers de Littérature Orale
Cahiers de Sociologie Economique et Culturelle
Cahiers des Religions Africaines
Cahiers des Sciences Humaines
Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie
Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines
Cahiers d'Outre-Mer
Cahiers du CEDAF
Cahiers du Centre de Gestion des Conflits
Cahiers du CRA
Cahiers du CURDES
Cahiers du LERSCO
Cahiers Ethnologiques
Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie
Cahiers ORSTOM, Série Sciences Humaines
Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto
Canadian Association of African Studies Newsletter
Canadian Journal of African Studies
Cités Africaines - African Cities
Community Development Journal
Comparative Political Studies
Comparative Politics
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Connaissance des Arts Tribaux
Critical African Studies
Critical Interventions
Critique Internationale
Critique of Anthropology
Cross-Cultural Research
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Dynamics
Culture et Société
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
Cultures et Développement
Current African Issues
Current Anthropology
Current Bibliography on African Affairs
De Facto. Magazine d'Histoire de l'Art et d'Archéologie
Défis Sud
Development and Change
Development Policy Review
Dialectical Anthropology
Droit et Cultures
East African Medical Journal
Eastern Africa Economic Review
Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development
Eastern Anthropologist
Economic Development and Cultural Change
Economic History Review
Enquêtes et Documents d'Histoire Africaine
Environnement Africain
Espace Géographique
Espace, Populations, Sociétés (Ex)
Estudios Africanos
Estudos Afro-Asiaticos
Ethiek en Maatschappij
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift
Etudes de Philosophie Interculturelle
Etudes Maliennes
Etudes Nigériennes
Etudes Rurales
Etudes Scientifiques
European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie/Europaïsches Archiv für Soziologie
Fashion Theory
Foi et Développement
Folia Orientalia
Garcia de Orta, Antropobiologia
Garcia de Orta, Geografia
Gentse Bijdragen tot de Kunstgeschiedenis en Oudheidkunde
Geographical Journal
Géopolitique Africaine
Gérontologie Africaine
Ghana Journal of Sociology
Health in tropical Africa
Histoire & Missions Chrétiennes
Histoire, Monde & Cultures religieuses
History and Anthropology
History in Africa
History of Religions
Homme (L')
Human Ecology
Human Organisation
Human Rights Watch/Africa
Humanitarian Exchange
In de marge
Informations Rwandaises et Internationales
International Journal of African Historical Studies
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
International Journal of Cultural Property
International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society
International Journal of Psychology
International Journal of Sierra Leone Studies
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
International Pharmacy Journal
International Review of African American Art
Iowa Studies in African Art
Islam et Sociétés au Sud du Sahara
Jahrbuch des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig
Journal des Africanistes
Journal des Anthropologues
Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs
Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology
Journal of African Cultural Studies
Journal of African History
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics
Journal of African Law
Journal of African Studies
Journal of Anthropological Research
Journal of Asian and African Studies
Journal of Asian and African Studies (Tokyo)
Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics
Journal of Commonwealth Literature
Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Journal of Developing Areas
Journal of Development Studies
Journal of Eastern African Studies
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation
Journal of Economic History
Journal of Ethnic Studies
Journal of Ethnographic Theory
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of History of Collections
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Journal of Material Culture
Journal of Modern African Studies
Journal of Natal and Zulu History
Journal of Peasant Studies
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of Social Archaeology
Journal of Social Science
Journal of Southern African Studies
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of West African Languages
K&K Koormagazine Nederland en Vlaanderen
Kasa Bya Kasa
Kleine Beiträge aus dem Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden
La Revue Générale
La Revue Nouvelle
Labour, Capital and Society
Langage et Société
Law and State
Le Flambeau
Le Ligueur
Le Mois en Afrique
Le Soir
Les Temps Modernes
Liberian Studies Journal
Linguistique africaine
Linguistique et Sciences humaines
Magazine littéraire
Mathematics in School
Medical Anthropology Quarterly
Medische Antropologie
Mondes en Développement
Mondes et Cultures
Museum Worlds: Advances in Research
National Geographic Research
Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft
Newsletter of Canadian Association of African Studies
Nigerian Field
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies
Notes Africaines
Notes et Documents Burkinabè
Notes et Documents Voltaïques
Nouvelle Revue d'Ethnopsychiatrie
Nouvelles Rationalités Africaines
Nsukka Journal of the Humanities
Objets et Mondes
Omaly sy Anio
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire
Peasant Studies
Pensée (La)
Peuples Noirs - Peuples Africains
Political Studies
Politique Africaine
Présence Africaine
Présence Francophone
Problèmes Sociaux Zaïrois
Psychopathologie Africaine
Public Administration and Development
Public Culture
Radical History Review
Réalités Africaines et Langue Française
Recherche Interdisciplinaire
Recherches Féministes
Relief and Rehabilitation Network Newsletter
Relief and Rehabilitation Network Paper
Religion in Southern Africa
Research and Exploration
Research in African Literatures
Research in Economic Anthropology
Research Report Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Resource Management and Optimization
Review of African Political Economy
Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos
Revue Administrative et Juridique du Burundi
Revue Africaine de Théologie
Revue Belge de Géographie
Revue Belge de Numismatique
Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie
Revue de la Bibliothèque Nationale
Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie
Revue d'Economie du Développement
Revue des Questions scientifiques
Revue Française de Science Politique
Revue Française d'Histoire d'Outre-mer
Revue Historique
Revue Juridique et Politique
Revue Tiers Monde
Rural Africana
Rural Sociology
Schweizerischen Apotheker-Zeitung
Science et Technique
Senri Ethnological Studies
Slavery and Abolition
Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology
Social Analysis
Social Anthropology
Social Compass
Social Dynamics
Social Science and Medicine
Society of Malawi Journal
Sociologia Ruralis
Sociological Theory
Sociologie et Sociétés
South African Journal of Cultural and Art History
South African Journal of Cultural History
Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika
Storia urbana
Studia Diplomatica
Studies in African Linguistics
Studies in Family Planning
Tanzania Notes and Records
Techniques et Culture
Temple Law Review
Terrains d'Avenir
Terzo Mondo
Theory, Culture and Society
Third World Legal Studies
Third World Quarterly
Tijdschrift Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten
Tijdschrift voor Sociale Wetenschappen
Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia
Tradition et Modernité
Transafrican Journal of History
Travail et Société
Travail et Travailleurs du Tiers Monde
Tribune des Arts
Urban Anthropology
West African Journal of Archaeology
Westermann's Monatshefte
Wiener Völkerkundliche Mitteilungen
Wiskunde en Onderwijs
World Archaeology
Yearbook for Traditional Music
Zaïre 2000
Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie
Titel van het collectief boek
Lijst :
"Wicked" women and the reconfiguration of gender in Africa
10 Jahre Zimbabwe
A companion to African philosophy
A place in the world : new local historiographies for Africa and South Asia
Academic anthropology and the museum
Action in Africa. The experience of people actively involved ...
Adjustment in Africa
Africa 30 years on
Africa Museum Tervuren 1898-1998
African capitalists in African development
African families and the crisis of social change
African guerrillas. Raging against the machine
African nationalism and independence
African nationalism and revolution
African pastoralist systems
African perspectives on development
African proconsuls...
African savannas. Global narratives and local knowledge of environmental change
African wildlife and livelihoods
African words, African voices
Africa's Great Rift: diversity and unity
Africa's urban past
Afrique, terre d'histoire. Au coeur de la recherche avec Jean-Pierre Chrétien
Afrique: 50 ans d'indépendance
After mass crime. Rebuilding states and communities
Ageing in Africa. Sociolinguistic and anthropological approaches
Alcohol in Africa
Alimentations, traditions et développements en Afrique...
Ambienti, lingue, culture
An anthropological critique of development
Annihilating difference: the anthropology of genocide
Anthropological theory today
Anthropologie de l'aide humanitaire et du développement. Des pratiques aux savoirs, des savoirs aux pratiques
Anthropology off the shelf: anthropologists on writing
Art pictural des Pygmées
Arte in Africa 2
Associational life in African cities
Autorité et pouvoir chez les Swahili
Banditry, rebellion and social protest in Africa
Being Maasai
Beroep: antropoloog
Beyond economic liberalization in Africa
Beyond territory and scarcity: exploring conflicts over natural resource management
Beyond the second sex: new directions in the Anthropology of Gender (Ex)
Black + White in colour. African history on screen
Bones, bodies, behavior. Essays on biological anthropology
Bourdieu: critical perspectives
Caféicultures d'Afrique orientale
Cast out. Vagrancy and homelessness in global and historical perspective
Catastrophe & culture. The anthropology of disaster
Cavalieri dell'Africa: storia, iconografia, symbolismo
Challenges to the nation-state in Africa
Changements au féminin en Afrique Noire
Changements au féminin en Afrique Noire. Vol.I: Anthropologie
Changements au féminin en Afrique Noire. Vol.II: Littérature
Changing rural structures in Tanzania
Chelewa, Chelewa. The dilemma of teenage girls
Christian Missionaries & the State in the Third World
Christianity and the African imagination. Essays in honour of Adrian Hastings
Civil society and the political imagination in Africa
Clothing and difference
Colloque sur la polygamie. 10-12 septembre 1990
Colonial situations
Colonial subjects. Essays on the practical history of anthropology
Coming home? Refugees, migrants, and those who stayed behind
Commodification. Things, agency, and identities. The social life of things revisited
Competing jurisdictions. Setting land claims in Africa
Compte rendu Séminaire sur l'aménagement intégré des forêts ...
Conflict and ethnicity in Central Africa
Conflicts over land and water in Africa
Conflits en Afrique. Analyse des crises et pistes pour une prévention
Congo (Zaïre): démocratie néo-coloniale ou deuxième Indépendance
Conjonctures congolaises 2014. Politiques, territoires et ressources naturelles: changements et continuités
Conjonctures congolaises 2015. Entre incertitudes politiques et transformation économique
Conjonctures congolaises. Chroniques et analyses de la RD Congo en 2011
Conquest and resistance to colonialism in Africa
Construire l'Etat de droit
Consumption and identity
Contested terrains and constructed categories: contemporary Africa in focus
Contesting art. Art, politics and identity in the modern world
Continuity and Change in Africa
Controverse sur la Conférence Nationale Souveraine face à
Creativity and cultural improvisation
Crises et mutations des agricultures de montagne
Crises extrêmes. Face aux massacres, aux guerres civiles et aux génocides
Crisis and creativity. Exploring the wealth of the African neighbourhood
Cross-cultural approaches to the study of alcohol. An interdisciplinary perspective
Culture and rights
Culture and the Commonplace. Anthropological essays in honour ...
Culture in the New South Africa. After Apartheid - Vol. II
Culture, development and communication
Custodians of the land
De la violence
De l'ouvrier immigré au travailleur sans papiers. Les étrangers dans la modernisation du salariat
De Panoramische droom
Dealing with uncertainty in contemporary African lives
Debating cultural hybridity
Découvertes du Burkina. Tome II
Democratic decentralisation in Uganda
Des historiens africains en Afrique. Logiques du passé et dynamiques actuelles
Desertification: migration, health, remediation and local governance
Development and urban Africa
Development management in Africa
Discipline and the other body.Correction, corporeality, colonialism
Displacement risks in Africa. Refugees, resettlers and their host population
Dress and ethnicity
Dynamiek in discussie
East African expressions of Christianity
Echanges et réseaux marchands en Afrique
Ecrire l'histoire de l'Afrique autrement?
Elephant. The animal and its ivory in African culture
Enfermement, prison et châtiments en Afrique du 19ème siècle à nos jours
Entrepreneurs et entreprises en quête de normes. Entrepreneurs and enterprises in search of norms
Eprouver l'initiation
Etat des savoirs sur le développement
Etat et corruption en Afrique. Une anthropologie comparative des relations entre fonctionnaires et usagers (Bénin, Niger, Sénégal)
Ethnic Conflicts in Africa
Ethnicity, belonging and biography. Ethnographical and biographical perspectives
Ethnographic practice and public aid: methods and meanings in development cooperation
Evaluer l'action humanitaire
Exilés, réfugiés, déplacés en Afrique centrale et orientale
Exotic no more. Anthropology on the front lines
Facing up to the past
Femmes d'Afrique dans une société en mutation
Femmes et terre
Femmes plurielles. Les représentations des femmes: discours ...
Fêtes urbaines en Afrique
Fieldwork is not what it used to be. Learning anthropology's method in a time of transition
Fighting the Slave Trade
Figures de l'humain. Les représentations de l'anthropologie
Figures peules
Forêts sacrées et sanctuaires boisés. Des créations culturelles et biologiques (Burkina Faso, Togo, Bénin)
Forging peace: intervention, human rights and the management of media space
Four lectures on ethics: anthropological perspectives
From the margins. Historical anthropology and its futures
Gender and ICTs for development. A global sourcebook
Gender and kinship. Essays toward a unified analysis
Gender, citizenship and governance. A global sourcebook
Gender, rights and development. A global sourcebook
Gender, work and population in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gendered colonialisms in African history
Generations in Africa. Connections and conflicts
Genocide in Rwanda. Complicity of the churches?
Genocide: an anthropological reader
Genocide: truth, memory, and representation
Global change, regional response
Global encounters in the world of art
Globalisation et néolibéralisme dans le tiers-monde
Globalization, water, and health: resource management in times of scarcity
Gouvernance et environnement en Afrique centrale: le modèle participatif en question
Governance and politics in Africa
Greed and grievance: economic agendas in civil wars
Guerres de lignages et guerres d'Etats en Afrique
Hanging by a thread. Cotton, globalization, and poverty in Africa
Herders, warriors and traders. Pastoralism in Africa
Heritage and identity. Engagement and demission in the contemporary world
Het object als bemiddelaar
Histoire des femmes en situation coloniale. Afrique et Asie, XXe siècle
Histoire sociale de l'Afrique de l'Est...
History in Africa
History making in Africa
HIV and AIDS in Africa
Hulp of hindernis?
Human remains ans mass violence. Methodological approaches
Hunter-gatherers in history, archaeology and anthropology
Hunter-gatherers: an interdisciplinary perspective
Images and empires
Images de l'Afrique et du Congo/Zaïre...
Images et colonies
Images, mémoires et savoirs. Une histoire en partage avec Bogumil Koss Jewsiewicki
Imagining home. Class, culture and ...
Immigration africaine en Afrique du Sud. Les migrants francophones des années 90
Imperialism, the State and the Third World
Improvising theory. Process and temporality in ethnographic fieldwork
In pursuit of history. Fieldwork in Africa
In search of cool ground: war, flight and homecoming in northeast Africa
Inside poverty and development in Africa. Critical reflections on pro-poor policies
Intangible heritage
Intégrer population et développement
Interfaces empiriques de la mondialisation. African junctions under the neoliberal development paradigm
Intermediaries, interpreters, and clerks. African employees in the making of colonial Africa
Inventions and boundaries: historical and anthropological...
Islam & Sociétés au sud du Sahara
Islands of intensive agriculture in Eastern Africa
Itinéraires d'accumulation au Cameroun
Jan Czekanowski: africanist ethnographer and physical anthropologist in early twentieth-century Germany and Poland
Journées d'étude: la recherche en Sciences humaines au Cameroun
La construction religieuse du territoire
La construction sociale des maladies
La dipendenza. Antropologia delle relazioni di dominio
La globalisationj du religieux
La greffe de l'Etat
La nouvelle histoire du Congo. Mélanges eurafricains offerts à Frans Bontinck, c.i.c.m.
La pensée métisse
La privatisation des Etats
La résistance aux génocides. De la pluralité des actes de sauvetages
La ville ou l'Etat ? Développement politique et urbanité dans les espaces nomades ou mobiles (Mauritanie, Sénégal, Inde et retour)
La vita in prestito. Debito, lavoro, dipendenza
L'adieu aux armes? Parcours d'anciens combattants
L'Afrique de Sarkozy: un déni d'histoire
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 1996-1997
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 1997-1998
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 1998-1999
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 1999-2000
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2000-2001
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2001-2002
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2002-2003
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2003-2004
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2004-2005
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2005-2006
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2006-2007
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2007-2008
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2008-2009
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2009-2010
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Annuaire 2010-2011
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Des conflits à la paix?
L'Afrique des individus
L'Afrique occidentale au temps des Français. Colonisateurs...
L'Afrique orientale. Annuaire 2000
Land, law and environment
L'Année du Maghreb 2011: Sahara en mouvement
Lavoro dipendenza personale e rapporti familiari
Law in Colonial Africa
Le Belgique et l'Afrique centrale de 1960 à nos jours
Le deuil et ses rites III
Le feu. Feu dévorant, feu domestique, feu sacré
Le mariage dans les contes africains
Le retour des rois
Le rite à l'oeuvre. Perspectives afro-cubaines et afro-brésiliennes
Le sujet contre les objets... tout contre. Ethnographies de cultures matérielles
Le temps des médias. Dossier: Shoah et génocides. Médias, mémoire, histoire
Legitimacy and the State in Twentieth-Century Africa
L'entrepreneuriat et innovation au Congo-Brazzaville
Les associations paysannes en Afrique
Les Bushmen dans l'histoire
Les cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est: special issue - Diversity
Les crises politiques au Burundi et au Rwanda (1993-1994)
Les drogues en Afrique subsaharienne
Les enquêtes participatives en débat. Ambition, pratiques et enjeux
Les ethnies ont une histoire
Les pêches piroguières en Afrique de l'Ouest. Dynamiques institutionnelles: pouvoirs, mobilités, marchés
Les politiques d'enregistrement des droits fonciers. Du cadre légal aux pratiques locales
Les pouvoirs locaux au Niger. A la veille de la décentralisation
Les racines de la violence dans la région des Grands-Lacs
Les régions orientales du Burundi
L'excellence de la souffrance
Liber Amicorum Marcel d'Hertefelt
Liber Amicorum Prof.Dr.Em.Robert Van Passen
L'invention religieuse en Afrique
L'islam politique au sud du Sahara. Identités, discours et enjeux
Lives in motion, indeed. Interdisciplinary perspectives on social change in honour of Danielle de Lame
L'Ouganda contemporain
Maatschappelijke betekenis van ...
Macht en majesteit
Makers and breakers. Children and youth in postcolonial Africa
Making nations, creating strangers: states and citizenship in Africa
Managing Reproductive Life
Mande Mansa. Essays in honour of David C. Conrad
Männer Bande, Männer Bünde zur Rolle des mannes im Kulturvergleich: volume I
Männer Bande, Männer Bünde zur Rolle des mannes im Kulturvergleich: volume II
Marginal lives and painful pasts. South African cinema after apartheid
Markets, civil society and democracy in Kenya
Masculinities in African literary and cultural texts
Mashindano! Competitive music performance in East Africa
Masques et Mascarades
Mau Mau and Nationhood
Maurice Delafosse. Entre orientalisme et ethnographie
Meanings of violence. A cross cultural perspective
Médecine et hygiène en Afrique centrale de 1885 à nos jours
Media and democracy in Africa
Medical anthropology
Mélanges de culture et de linguistique africaines
Mementos, artifacts, and hallucinations
Memory and the Postcolony
Ménages et familles en Afrique. Approches des dynamiques contemporaines
Migration and development. Implications for ethnic identity and political conflict
Migration clandestine africaine vers l'Europe. Un espoir pour les uns, un problème pour les autres
Missionering en inculturatie. Mission et inculturation
Mobile Africa
Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa
Modernity and its malcontents
Money matters. Instability, values and social payments
Museum frictions: public cultures/global transformations
Museums and difference
Museums and urban culture in West Africa
Muslim identity and social change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mwalimu. The influence of Nyerere
Nairobi contemporain. Les paradoxes d'une ville fragmentée
Nairobi today. The paradox of a fragmented city
Natural Ennemies
Negotiating development in museum societies. Gendered spaces and translocal connections
Negotiating the net in Africa. The politics of internet diffusion
Negotiation and social space
New directions in anthropological kinship
Nouveaux langages du politique en Afrique orientale
One Zambia, many histories. Towards a history of post-colonial Zambia
Origins of agriculture
Papier Blanc, encre noire
Pathways of change in Africa
Patrimoine et sources historiques en Afrique
Peasant organisations and the democratisation process in Africa
Permutations of order. Religion and law as contested sovereignties
Personhood and agency
Perspectives historiques sur le genre en Afrique
Perspectives on ethnicity
Perspectives on nationalism and war
Places of pain and shame. Dealing with 'difficult heritage'
Political ethnography. What immersion contributes to the study of power
Political Islam in West Africa. State-society relations transformed
Politique de la terre et de l'appartenance. Droits fonciers et citoyenneté locale dans les sociétés du Sud
Popular culture: beyond historical legacy and ...
Popular intellectuals and social movements. Framing protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Postcolonial identities in Africa
Postcolonial subjectivities in Africa
Potentials and limitations of biotechnology in livestock
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of Anthropology
Proceedings of the International Conference on Anthropology
Producing African futures. Ritual and reproduction in a neoliberal age
Propos sur l'enfant et l'adolescent
Psychology and oppression: critiques and proposals
Race and ethnicity. Across time, space and discipline
Readings in African popular culture
Reclaiming heritage. Alternative imaginaries of memory in West Africa
Reclaiming the land. The resurgence of rural movements in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Reconsidering informality. Perspectives from urban Africa
Réforme au Congo (RDC): attentes et désillusions
Reinventing religions
Relations interethniques au Rwanda
Relief and Rehabilitation Network Newsletter
Religion and change in African societies. Proceedings of a Seminar ...
Religion and national integration in Africa
Religion and politics in East Africa
Religion in Africa
Remaking Rwanda: state building and human rights after mass violence
Rencontres internationales: le cinéma et l'Afrique
Research in Economic Anthropology
Rethinking pastoralism in Africa
Re-thinking sexualities in Africa
Retour au foncier
Revealing prophets
Rights and the politics of recognition in Africa
Rites et dépossessions
Ritual communication
Ritual, performance, media
Romantic motives
Ruanda, Begleitpublikation zur gleichnamigen Wanderausstellung
Ruptures postcoloniales: les nouveaux visages de la société française
Rural-urban dynamics. Livelihoods, mobility and markets in African and Asian frontiers
Rwanda et Burundi
Rwanda fast forward. Social, economic, military and reconciliation prospects
Rwanda, un génocide du XXe siècle
Sahelian pathways. Climate and society in Central and South Mali
Secrecy. African art that conceals and reveals
Security dynamics in Africa's Great Lakes region
Self-assertion and brokerage. Early cultural nationalism ...
Senses of culture
Shifting contexts. Transformations in anthropological knowledge
Shifting selves
Slavery and the rise of the Atlantic system
Slavery in the Great Lakes region of East Africa
Slavery on the frontiers of Islam
Social history and African environment
Social Theory and the Politics of Identity
Sociology after postmodernism
Soldiers in Zimbabwe's liberation war
Sounds of change. Social and political features of music in Africa
Sources and methods in African history
Sovereign bodies. Citizens, migrants, and states in the postcolonial world
Spaces and crossings. Essays on literature and culture in Africa and beyond
Spirit possession. Modernity & power in Africa
Sport and postcolonialism
Staging politics. Power and performance in Asia and Africa
States and illegal practices
Status and identity in West Africa: Nyamakalaw of Mande
Strength beyond structure. Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa
Structural adjustment and the working poor in Zimbabwe
Studying war. Anthropological perspectives
Syncretism/Anti-syncretism. The politics of religious synthesis
Tant qu'on a la santé
Terra d'Africa
Terrains et engagements de Claude Meillassoux
Terre, terroir, territoire: les tensions foncières
The African stakes of the Congo war
The anthropology of landscape
The anthropology of violence
The application of theory in medical anthropology
The archaeology of urban landscapes. Explorations in Slumland
The art of African textiles. Technology, tradition and lurex
The best of Anthropology Today
The challenge of local feminisms. Women's movements in global
The christian churches and the democratisation of Africa
The colonial epoch in Africa
The creative Communion
The Developing economies
The dynamics of resource tenure in West Africa
The ethics of archaeology. Philosophical perspectives on archaeological practice
The fabrics of culture. The anthropology of clothing and adornment
The framed world. Tourism, tourists and photography
The geopolitics of hunger, 2000-2001. Hunger and power
The governance of daily life in Africa. Ethnographic explorations of public and collective services
The History of Cartography. Cartography in the traditional ...
The Language, Ethnicity and Race Reader
The Massacre in History
The meaning of marriage payments
The media and the Rwanda genocide
The migration experience in Africa
The Nile. Histories, cultures, myths
The object as mediator
The objects of evidence: anthropological approaches to the production of knowledge
The people's city
The performing arts. Music and dance
The politics of war memory and commemoration
The precarious balance. State and society in Africa
The qualities of time. Anthropological approaches
The realm of the extra-human. Agents and audiences
The recurring Great Lakes crisis. Identity, violence and power
The resolution of African conflicts. The management of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction. South Africa-Namibia-Mozambique-Somalia-Sudan-Kenya-Uganda-Mauritius
The rise of China and India in Africa. Challenges, opportunities and critical interventions
The roots of African conflicts. The causes & costs. Zimbabwe-Lesotho-Kenya-Sudan-Uganda-The Horn of Africa
The scramble for art in Central Africa
The seductions of community. Emancipations, oppressions, quandaries
The social life of connectivity in Africa
The social life of things. Commodities in cultural perspective
The specter of genocide
The speed of change. Motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000
The state of academic freedom in Africa 1995
The structure of slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia
The transnational family. New European frontiers and global networks
The workers of African trade
Themes in West Africa's history
Tout passe. Instantanés populaires et traces du passé à Lubumbashi
Trabalho forçado africano. Articulações com o poder político
Trabalho forçado africano. Expériências coloniais comparadas
Traditional justice and reconciliation after violent conflict. Learning from African experiences
Transforming female identities ...
Transparency and conspiracy. Ethnographies of suspicion in the New World Order
Traveling spirits. Migrants, markets and mobilities
Turning points in African democracy
Under siege: four African cities - Freetown, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Lagos
Understanding rituals
Une anthropologie entre rigueur et engagement. Essais autour de l'oeuvre de Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan
Une colline rwandaise à travers ses pratiques d'élevage
Une économie politique de la sécurité
Une médecine inhospitalière. Les difficiles relations entre soignants et soignés dans cinq capitales d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Vanguard or vandals. Youth, politics and conflict in Africa
Villes en guerre et guerres en ville. Pratiques humanitaires en questions
Violence, political culture and development in Africa
Visual sense. A cultural reader
Votes, money and violence: political parties and elections in Sub-Saharan Africa
Vrede en veiligheid in Zwart Afrika
War, its causes and correlates
Wedding dress across cultures
West African culture dynamics. Archaeological and historical perspectives
Western expansion and indigenous peoples. The heritage of Las Casas
What women do in wartime
Women and civil war
Women in Muslim societies. Diversity within unity
Women managing resources
Women wielding the hoe
Women, citizenship and difference
Women's land rights and privatization in Eastern Africa
Zimbabwe. Passé et présent. Vol.I
Zimbabwe. Passé et présent. Vol.II
Zimbabwe's presidential elections 2002
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